# Title: Progress bar and Popups # Description: Opens PowerShell show a progress bar telling the user it's installing a virus. After that uses text-to-speech, then shows a few error messages. # Author: Cribbit # Version: 1.0 # Category: Prank # Target: Windows 10 (Powershell) # Attackmodes: HID MATCH hacker Q LOCK Q DELAY 100 Q GUI r Q DELAY 100 Q STRING "powershell" Q DELAY 200 Q ENTER Q STRING "cls;Add-Type -AN PresentationFramework;\$t=101;\$i=0;for(\$i=0;\$i -lt \$t;\$i++){Write-Progress -A 'Installing Virus' -Status \"\$i% Complete\" -PercentComplete \$i;sleep -m 25;}\$s=New-Object -ComObject SAPI.SPVoice;\$s.Speak('Oh No what is happening to me');\$m=[System.Windows.MessageBox];\$e='Error';\$m::Show('Press any key to continue or any other key to quit',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Smash forehead on keyboard to continue',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Breakfast.sys halted - Cereal port not responding',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('User error - Replace user',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Enter any 11 digit prime number to continue',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Close your eyes and press escape three times',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Press Ctrl + Alt + Del for IQ test',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Press any key except.. no, No, NO, NOT THAT ONE!',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Runtime Error 399461 - Incompetent User',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Your hard drive has been scanned and all stolen software titles have been deleted. The police are on their way',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Bad command or file name - Go stand in the corner',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$m::Show('Problem caused by defective input device located in chair',\$e, 'Ok', \$e);\$s.Speak('Oh I''m ok');exit" Q DELAY 100 Q ENTER Q UNLOCK